A property manager acts as a third party who is hired by a landlord or property investor to manage the day-to-day operations at a rental property. The exact responsibilities vary depending on the type of property, the terms of the contract, and the type of services that company provides. Understanding what a property manager does, and whom they are to you will increase the likeliness that all parties involved are happy.

To the owner…

A property manager acts as a mediator between you and your tenants. This prevents tenants from constantly bothering you about things that you are potentially unable to deal with. The property manager will handle the rent collecting, property maintenance, managing budgets and keeping track of important records. Many times the owner of an investment property does not live at the property and most likely works a day job, making it difficult to handle these kinds of things, and hiring a property manager will ease the situation. You’ll have an ease of mind knowing that there is someone else out there helping take care of your property.

To the tenant…

You will go to the property manager for any issues you have with your lease or rental property. The property manager is being paid to deal with maintaining your property and noise complaints or any other emergent situations you may have. But you have to keep in mind that the property manager has strict budgets and requirements given to them from the property owner, and may not be able to give you everything you ask for.

Understanding what a property manager is and who they are to you will make their role easier on everyone. Property managers have a tough job, but they also have thick skin and know how to deal with these situations in the best way possible.

If you have a property and are in need of a property manager, consider Two Blue. We have a great reputation for our provided services, and we'll even give you a free estimate!
